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In order to make these calculations, players must identify, store, and reuse important parts of past experience. For example, TPG performed poorly in video games that explicitly require the player to predict the trajectory of a moving object. This is a limitation in environments with partial observability. However, TPG organisms represent a direct mapping from input to output with no mechanism to integrate past experience (previous inputs). automatic construction of multi-agent organisms) in order to build successful RL agents more efficiently than state-of-the-art solutions from other sub-fields of artificial intelligence, e.g. Tangled Program Graphs (TPG) is a recently proposed genetic programming algorithm that emphasizes emergent modularity (i.e. They cover a diverse range of environments that are designed to be challenging for humans, all through a high-dimensional visual interface. Video games provide a well-defined study ground for the development of behavioural agents that learn through trial-and-error interaction with their environment, or reinforcement learning (RL). Due to the effective elimination of the indentation rolling resistance and belt and bulk material flexure resistance within the Rail Conveyor system, an approximate reduction of 50% in energy consumption can be achieved when compared to conventional belt conveyors. The Rail Conveyor is a continuous bulk material transportation system that, due to track wheels running on steel rails, shares a rolling resistance similar in magnitude to railway systems. This paper presents a comparison between the energy consumption and motion resistances of the Rail Conveyor system and conventional belt conveyors. The Rail Conveyor merges the benefits of both belt conveyor technology and rail transport to produce an energy-efficient and cost-effective bulk material transportation system. The new technology is aptly named the Rail Conveyor due to its combination of two well-established transportation technologies. A new rail-based conveyor system has been developed to reduce the energy consumption of heavily loaded and long overland conveyors.

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Although extensive research has been conducted into the production of energy-efficient belt conveyors, significant scope remains to further reduce the energy consumption, especially when heavily loaded or long overland belt conveyors are considered. The energy consumption of modern belt conveying systems has reduced considerably over the past few decades. We present results for Simulated Annealing, quick Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning, three different meta-heuristic techniques to optimize this novel problem. We developed an interface to allow optimizers in any programming language to interact with Factorio, and we provide an initial benchmark of logistic transport belt problems. In this paper we define the logistic transport belt problem and define mathematical integer programming model of it.

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The video game Factorio, by Wube Software, has a myriad of problems which are analogous to such real-world problems, and is a useful simulator for developing solutions for these problems. In the field of operational research the efficient scheduling of employees packing of vans routing of vehicles logistics of airlines and transport of materials can be the difference between emission reduction or excess, profits or losses and feasibility or unworkable solutions. Efficient optimization of resources is paramount to success in many problems faced today.

Factorio download map speed